Montage / Experimental /


In 1981-82 I made a series of photographs entitled, Photomontage. The series began because I was willing to experiment. I was walking the streets of my neighborhood with a medium format camera, recording whatever moved me. I did not have a project or anything in mind–just walking and photographing. I had a darkroom in my apartment and made a few 11x14 prints that I then tacked up on my studio wall. One night, looking at the prints, I realized that 2 of the photographs looked like they might physically fit together. I immediately grabbed my matt knife, cut one image along the vertical shape of a tree trunk & flipped that over to use as a template to cut out the 2nd photo, to join them together. Bam ! I loved it. Then I went out shooing with the aim of combining images in my mind.

Photomontage consists of a suite of 12 photographs.

Once I completed my Photomontage series above, I made the, Darkroom Diptychs, series below. These are 2 contact prints (on 8x10 inch paper) made with two 2 1/4 inch black & white negatives. I constructed a simple framing device to print these in alignment onto the photo paper.

These 2 projects taught me a valuable lesson. It is, that once we make something and see it, it is ours. In other words, making both the Photomontages & the Darkroom Diptychs increased my visual vocabulary and my perceptual skills and I began to see and photograph the world in a different way.

PHOTOGRAPHY is a one of a kind book I made at the Visual Studies Workshop in Rochester, NY, where I received my M.F.A. It consists of folded paper sheets upon which I applied photographs, negatives, and pencil marks.


In 2018, I made a series of 4x5 inch pinhole paper negatives, which I then contact printed. Both the negatives & the 8 x 10 inch contact prints were made on Kodak Azo paper. These are from a series of 25 photographs.


Napkins & T.P. is a little project I made on the scanner. I saved napkins & toilet paper from a trip I did with 2 of my colleagues and our University of Southern Maine art students. We went to Documenta and to many other galleries and museums in France and Germany.


Contact Sheet as Image, No.1, Rochester, NY re: Visual Studies Workshop: Nathan Lyons Workshop

Contact Sheet as Image, No. 2, Rochester, NY re: Visual Studies Workshop: Nathan Lyons Workshop