
In 1985, as a young artist, I was accepted at the MacDowell Colony. It was the first time I applied and I did not know what a life changing experience it would be. I had been supported as a teacher (by my colleagues & students); and, supported as an artist—with my exhibitions & by my artist friends, but I had never before been supported to actually make the work!

It changed my life.

I completed 2 projects at MacDowell. One from my travels to London made just before starting the residency; and this, my MacDowell Dairy series. Each day, I made one & only one, 4x5 inch Polariod Type 55 photograph. The amazing thing about type 55 film is that one instantly gets both a proof print & a beautiful negative. From the negatives, I made contacts prints on 8x10 warm toned photographic paper. In all I made 48 prints. I also drew a bit at MacDowell. For me, like a lot of artists, drawing came first. From there, I found my way into printmaking, and then photography.

In fact, it seems I followed the very same path as the invention of photography.

These 2 images are made looking towards the same field out my studio window.


My day 48 photograph from my MacDowell series: One photo a day: September 4 – October 21, 1985